Burley D’Lite X review

Find out whether the Burley D’Lite X multi-sport trailer is right for you, your little people and your activities. Here’s everything you need to know

The Burley D’Lite X is one of the most versatile, durable and lightweight multi-activity trailers and is available in both single and double versions in its signature bright blue colourway. 

About the author:

Mum of one year old Finley (born Jan 2021), Claire Maxted is the co-founder and former editor of Trail Running magazine. Claire now runs the YouTube channel Wild Ginger Running, filming trail and ultra running advice, athlete interviews, gear tests and race recces. She also hosts talks, speaks and presents at book launches, awards, events and races. Her first book The Ultimate Trail Running Handbook is published by Bloomsbury Sport. Her running buggies review is here.

The Burley D’Lite X was amazing for taking on holiday to the Peak District because we only had to take one buggy! It’s capable of everything from cycling along the Monsal Trail disused railway to running and hiking along rough tracks like the Pennine Bridleway and Limestone Way. The thing I liked the most was the ease with which you can swap out the biking tow bar for the Jogging Kit - two front forks and larger 16 inch wheel for running. That and the weather protection which was brilliant - the whole trailer is rainproof without having to stop and put on a rain cover. Here’s more information from me about why you might like to hire this multi-activity trailer for your next adventure.

Why you’ll like it:

1 Great for 4 activities!
The D’Lite X is sold initially as a bike trailer with a tow bar that hooks easily on to your bike. This arm has a small, lock-away wheel on it that you can click out to use the trailer in what Burley call ‘stroller’ mode that can manage walking and running on easy, smooth paths. 
For more serious off-road running and hiking you will need the Jogger Kit, a pair of front forks with a 16 inch wheel attached via quick release. These slot into the two holes either side of the front of the trailer and click into place.

Less useful in the UK but great for holidaying in say the Alps, you can also get the Ski Kit, a set of skis for the trailer and long, slim tow bars that hook up to a waist harness. 

2 Easy to assemble and dissemble
It looks like it might be complicated but the D’Lite X is very simple to collapse down and set up again by flipping the yellow connectors at the top of the trailer. Even I can do it! The bike tow bar or Jogger Kit comes off with a tug of the yellow handles after you release the safety catch. Then it’s just a matter of popping this surprisingly light (12.5kg) trailer in the boot where the single takes up only 91.5cm in length, 70cm in width and 38cm in height. The double is only slightly wider at 94 x 80 x 36cm. 

Coming soon... assembly/disassembly film 

You can also get a strong, dedicated Burley Trailer Storage Bag to keep your trailer tidy when folded, with all the components safely stored inside. Save space in your garage too by hanging it from the wall using the strong carry handles.

3 If your bike has a thru axle?

Don’t worry, there are compatible thru axles available from Burley that you can swap in which will accommodate their hitch system. They do 5 different sizes, but ask your bike manufacturer if you’re not sure which one you need.

The following Burley bike trailer fixing accessories are here:

  • Burley Thru Axles - for bikes with this type of axle with extra space for the Burley Steel Hitch to attach to; five sizes available

  • Burley Steel Hitch - essential for connecting the Burley D’Lite X trailer to your back bike wheel quickly and easily. You can buy a spare for minimum hassle swapping the trailer from bike to bike.

4 Wheels for rugged terrain
The 20 inch back wheels (and 16 inch front wheel when using with the Jogger Kit) are grippy, wide and fantastic at simply eating up whatever lumps and bumps the paths throw at them. It’s also very useful to be able to adjust the suspension to fit the terrain. Bring on the bridleways!

5 Secure, comfy kids
Your little angel(s) are safe inside a super strong aluminium roll-cage capsule with bowed out sides for extra shoulder and elbow room. They’re secure in the 5-point harness system with easily adjusted, padded straps and reclining seat, and they can pop teddies and snacks in the elasticated, mesh side pockets.


The sunshade can be raised and lowered to protect their eyes whatever the sun’s level, and the adjustable suspension ensures a comfy ride over the bumpiest tracks.

There are also these Burley accessories for even more comfort:

  • Burley Premium Seat Pads - hand-washable padding and an adjustable headrest for extra comfort and support for little ones.

  • Burley Baby Snuggler - a super-soft, machine-washable cocoon for younger babies 3-12 months old for extra support, comfort and security.

6 You are comfy!
Of course it does take more effort to run, walk or cycle with a buggy or towing a trailer, so the D’Lite X is as light as a multi-activity buggy can be at only 14.5kg and 300g less in bike trailer form. The grippy handlebar can be set at any height you need so you can easily push down on it to lift the front, fixed wheel and corner with ease.

7 Foot brake for safety
Once you’ve come to a halt, simply use your foot to move the brake lever across the base of the pram for a secure stop. One difference to note is that multi-activity trailers don’t come with a handlebar handbrake so it’s a good idea to use the handlebar wrist strap for safety on the downhills. Dedicated running buggies like the Out n About Nipper Sport do have an additional handlebar brake, see here.

8 Plenty of gear storage
The D’Lite X has lots of capacity for gear storage at the back behind the seat, in the four elastic, mesh pockets either side of the child’s seating area and also under their feet if they are little enough not to touch the base of the buggy. I managed to easily fit a picnic blanket, freezer bag full of food, extra layers, spare inner tube and toys inside. As long as the total capacity is 34kg or under, you’re fine.

9 Protection from the rain
Here is where the Burley D’Lite X excels. There is no raincover to dig out and clip on when the weather turns, the whole buggy is waterproofed with a transparent zip down closure over the mesh front and another at the back. It’s a fantastic design that also means you can never accidentally lose the raincover!

Things to be aware of:
1 A multi-activity trailer/buggy is larger and heavier than a dedicated running buggy so if you know you will only be walking or running with it, then go for the Out n About Nipper Sport here.

2 Apart from the above, the other main difference between these two types of running buggy is the lack of handlebar brake on the D’Lite X multi-activity trailer. Combined with its heavier weight, this does make it more difficult to control down hills so you might find yourself jogging more slowly or walking down steeper inclines to feel secure. The handlebar wrist strap is also a good shout here for added safety.

3 In bike trailer mode I found that the stroller wheel dropped a little from its folded-away position so I used a bungee cord to secure it into what I thought was a place where it would stick out less while riding along.

Try before you buy! To hire this jogging stroller click here.

Want to know more and see this jogging stroller in action? Check out the review film on Wild Ginger Running YouTube channel here. 





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